BS EN 16001:2009 Energy Management System

What is BS EN 16001?
Introduced in November 2009, BS EN 16001 is a ‘road map’ to help organizations improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and drive down energy costs. It provides a framework of action around a “plan, do, check, act” format that fits with other existing standards on environment and quality.
BS EN 16001 specifies requirements for an energy management system to enable you to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and information about significant energy aspects. It is a useful document for all types and sizes of organizations and accommodates diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions. This standard applies to the activities under the control of an organization. Requirements with guidance for use sets out the requirements for an energy management system, including the development of an energy policy, identification of an organization’s past, present and future energy consumption, as well as the development of an energy monitoring (metering) plan. Analysis of actual versus expected energy consumption will allow businesses to put plans in place to help improve efficiency. Rather than prescribing exactly how operations should be run, BS EN 16001 provides the framework which will enable effective energy management.
What are the advantages of implementing BS EN 16001?
·        Reduce costs
·        Improve business performance
·        Engage management
·        Comply with legislation
·        Formalize energy policy and objectives
·        Integrate management systems (i.e. ISO 14001, ISO 9001)
·        Drive innovation
What does the standard require?
·        Establish an appropriate energy policy.
·        Identify the energy aspects from an organization’s activities.
·        Identify applicable legal requirements and others to which an organization subscribes.
·        Identify priorities and set appropriate energy objectives and targets.
·        Establish a relevant structure and programme(s) to implement the policy and achieve objectives and meet targets.
·        Facilitate planning, control, monitoring, preventative and corrective actions, auditing and review activities.
Steps to setting up BS EN 16001 Energy Management System
1. Set up a management system
2. Develop and issue energy policy
3. Plan
·        Identify and review energy aspects including energy factors; weather, occupation rate, production throughput
·        Identify and comply with legislation
·        Develop energy targets, objectives and programmes
4. Act/Implement
·        Allocate resources, responsibilities and authorities
·        Develop awareness, training and competence
·        Communicate
·        Document system and control documents
5. Check
·        Monitor and measure
·        Evaluate compliance
·        Non conformity, corrective and preventative action
·        Records
·        Internally audit
6. Review
·        Inputs and outputs
How different it is from Environmental Management System ISO 14001?
ISO 14001 does cover the use of energy but due to the importance of energy, BS EN 16001 focuses wholly on energy management.
BS EN 16001 differs from ISO 14001 by requiring:
·        Energy aspect reviews – past and present consumption/estimated expected consumption
·        Awareness, training and competence
·        Monitoring and measurement – energy metering plan/relationships between consumption and energy factors
·        Operational control – energy considerations in purchasing/design/change or restoration
Common elements with ISO 14001 and BS EN 16001 to allow for integration
·        Identification of legal requirements
·        Objectives, targets and programmes
·        Control of documents and records
 ISO standard for Energy Management System – International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is presently developing an international equivalent, ISO 50001 – likely to be published in 2011.
If you would like to learn more, contact us at or visit or call our 24 hours customer care +91 9821780035 to get your organization BS EN 16001:2009 certified.